

No Chinglish Allowed

话题~:Buy vegetables?

“Buy vegetables ??” , is it translated to Chinese like "买菜??"

Nope! Reading the following infos you may find out.

If you just wanna buy some vigges then you can say "buy vegetables", but the truth is when you are going to the food market, you usually tend to buy some meat, sea food, seeds, to name a few..

所以,什意思纠式英单纯地只买蔬菜可以说“buy vegetables", 但一般我们去市场还会买肉、正中海鲜、什意思纠式英种子之类的正中等等东西,因而就不能用这个表达了。什意思纠式英


Denifition: A marketplace where groceries can be sold.


那么这个Chinglish如何纠正呢? Get groceries.


1.去买菜\其他东西 -- do some grocery shopping. (区别于do some shopping,还强加了"grocery"特指)

For instance: I'm doing some grocery shopping. Do you want to come along?


2.(买菜)购物清单-- grocery list

For instance: Here's my grocery list.


3. 买菜预算-- grocery budget

For instance: I can't buy much food, cuz I'm on a grocery budget,.


总结:" Get groceries " 才是指”买菜“的意思。不要再犯中式英语的陷阱咯,各小伙们,本栏目仅100期,每一期都十分珍贵,拭目以待吧。

tips: Get rid of Chinglish, learning more authetic English, just right here. You can do it !!!