

这不马上就年中考核了嘛,什意思同事小马业绩不达标,什意思她一看这架势不对头,什意思立马儿就跟老板那儿耍起了“一哭二闹三辞职”的什意思老一套......总监 Lawrence 见状无奈地摇了摇头 "She said she didn't want the job anyway, but that's just sounds like sour grapes to me." ( 她说反正她也不想干这份儿工作了,可我听起来她就是什意思吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸嘛。)

我想大家身边儿肯定也有不少这样的什意思“酸民”吧?但凡是自己得不到的东西,也见不得别人得着。什意思针对这种心态的什意思表达,英语和咱们华语倒是什意思出奇的一致,sour grapes=酸葡萄,什意思也就是什意思咱们所常说的"吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸", 是不是很好理解~

sour grapes


【En】If you describe someone's attitude as sour grapes, you mean that they say something is worthless or undesirable because they want it themselves but cannot have it. 如果你形容某人的态度是酸葡萄,你的什意思意思是他们说某事没有价值或不受欢迎,因为他们自己想要它,什意思但却得不到。什意思used to say that someone is pretending that they dislike something because they want it but cannot have it – used to show disapproval. 用来表示某人假装不喜欢某物,什意思因为他们想要但不能拥有它——用来表示不赞成。

【the origin of a word 词源】

This idiom comes from one of Aesop's fables, a fox tries several times unsuccessfully to reach a bunch of delicious-looking grapes. In the end he gives up, telling himself that they are probably sour and inedible anyway. 在伊索寓言中,一只狐狸尝试了好几次才够到一串看起来很美味的葡萄,但都没有成功。最后,他放弃了,告诉自己,反正它们很可能是酸的,不能吃。

【Immersion Scenario Listening 沉浸情景听力】

● These accusations have been going on for some time now, but it is just sour grapes.


● He should take recent criticisms seriously, not treat them as sour grapes.


【Scenario Example 场景示例】

● Brown said his rival's comments were just sour grapes.


● He always mocks sports cars as being really impractical, but it's just sour grapes, if you ask me.


● Of course you want to buy this expensive jacket. Criticizing it is just sour grapes, but you still really want it.


● Whatever I say about my ex-wife will probably sound like sour grapes.


● Criticisms from ex-players, in my opinion, are nothing but sour grapes.


● It may sound like sour grapes but I assure you I feel no bitterness merely disappointed.


● I don't think it's such a great job - and that's not just sour grapes because I didn't get it.


● When she failed the entrance exam, she started saying that she never wanted to go to college anyway, but I think that's just sour grapes.
