

1. abroad 到国外: go abroad

board 板 :on board

2. ①across 介词,意思表面穿过

(walk across the road穿过马路)

②cross 动词 (cross the road)

③through 介词,中考空间穿过( go through the window)

④past 介词,意思经过( walk past the post office)

⑤pass 动词( pass the test)

3. alive 活着的中考 (I am still alive.)

live 现场直播( live music现场音乐/直播音乐)

居住( live in the city)

lively 活泼的 (make his class lively and interesting)

living make a living/ a living room

4. lonely 孤独 (feel lonely)

alone 独自 (live alone)

along 沿着 (walk along the street)

5. asleep 睡着的( fall asleep入睡)

sleepy 困倦的(feel sleepy)

6. fall 落下,倒 下(fall down)

fell 〈fall的意思过去式 (fall—fell---fallen)〉

feel 觉得( feel sleepy/tired---过去式felt〉

7. badly—worse

Jim acted badly, but Tom did worse.


He plays football well and his father does better.

8. boring, interesting, exciting, tiring…

修饰物 an interesting story

bored, interested, excited, tired…

修饰人 feel bored

9. borrow 借进(以句子主语为参照物)

May I borrow your pen?

lend 借出(以句子主语为参照物)

Could you lend me some money?

keep 借一段时间

How long can I keep the magazine?

10. both 两者都( Both of his parents are workers.)

all 三者以上都( All of my classmates are from China.)

neither 两者都不 (Neither of my hands is clean.)

none 没有一个(三者及以上)(None of the four apples is/are red.)

nothing 什么都没有( There's nothing in the fridge.)

11. care:take care of关心、在意

careful 形,中考仔细的意思(be careful with fire)

carefully 副,仔细地 (listen carefully)

careless 形,中考粗心的意思 (a careless student)

carelessly 副,粗心地(drive carelessly)

carelessness 名,中考粗心( Your carelessness led to the mistake.)

12. take 带走(以说话者为中心)remember to take a raincoat

bring 带来(以说话者为中心)(bring your book here)

carry 拿,意思无方向( Could you help me carry the books?)

13. close 动词,中考关闭( close the door)

形,意思亲密的中考 (my closest friend)

closed 形,关着的意思 (keep the door closed)

14. closely 副,密切地( work closely with us)15. brave 形,勇敢的

He is brave enough to save the old man.

courage 名,勇气

have the courage to tell him the bad news

bravely 副,勇敢地

face the difficulties bravely

16. dead 形,死的( have been dead)

die 动,死亡 die of hunger

death 名,死亡 (the death of his pet makes him so sad.)

17. especially 副,尤其

He is good at all subjects, especially maths.

specially 副,专门

The pen is specially designed for the boy.

special 形,特殊的 a special day

18. except 除了

All the students except Tom will go for a school trip.

expect 期待

You are expected to bring it back when you return.

19. excited 形,激动的,修饰人(feel excited)

exciting 形,激动人心的,修饰物 (an exciting film)

excitedly 副,修饰人 (shouted excitedly)

excitement 名(shout with excitement)

20.a little 一些,修饰不可数名词

a little money

a few 一些,修饰可数名词( a few trees)

little 几乎没有,修饰不可数名词

There's little water in the glass, is it?

few 几乎没有,修饰可数名词

so few students

21.form 形成

form a good reading habit

from 从……

22. France 法国/ French 法语

German 德国的/ Germany 德国

23. hard 努力 (work hard)

hardly 几乎不 (The boy hardly does his homework.)

24. healthy 健康的 keep healthy

health 健康 it's good for your health

healthily 健康地 eat healthily

25. if 如果 主将从现 If he comes, I'll call you.

是否 I don't know if he will come here.

whether 是否 (如与or连用,则用)

I wonder whether he'll come or not.

weather 天气

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

26.include 动词 包括

The list includes the names of many famous writers.

including 介词

They have many pets, including three cats.

27. invent 动词 发明 Edison invented a lot of things.

invention 名词 发明 The invention made much difference to humans.

inventor 名词 发明者 Edison was a great inventor.

28. last 上一个的 last year;

最后的 make her last apperance

动词,持续 The meeting will last one and a half hours.

lasting 形,持久的 a lasting value

29. lie 名词,谎言 tell a lie

动词,说谎 He is always lying to us.

动词,位于Japan lies to the east of China.

动词,躺,平放 He likes lying on the grass.



30.luck 名,运气 good luck

lucky 形,幸运的a lucky number

luckily 副,幸运的是 Luckily, we got better marks.


31. noise名,噪音 Don't make any noise.

noisy 形,吵闹的 much too noisy

noisily 副,吵闹地 talk noisily

32. noise 噪音

sound 声音 We sat listening to the sound of the waves

听起来 The music sounds beautiful.

voice 嗓音 The singer has a sweet voice.

33. ①provide 提供

provide a chance for the boy

=provide the boy with a chance

②offer 提供

offer a chance to the boy

=offer the boy a chance

34. ①other 别的 ,加名词: other students

②another: 另一个

I don't like the pair of shoes, would you like to show me another pair?

③the other 两个中的另一个,常用one…the other :

Here is a shoe, where's the other one?

others= other+名词

35. over/ under 年龄的上下

above/ below 温度,楼层的上下

36. peace 名词,和平: love peace

peaceful 形,宁静的: a peaceful village

peacefully 副,和平地

we hope to solve the problem peacefully.

37. pleasure 名,乐意。

对方请求帮助—With pleasure.

帮助后对方感谢—My pleasure./ It's my pleasure.

pleasant 形, 修饰物 :a pleasant trip

pleased 形,修饰人: I am pleased with the robot.

38. ①pollute 动,污染

The water will be polluted if you do that.

②polluted 形,被污染的

Our planet is becoming more and more polluted and crowded.

③pollution 名,污染

noise pollution

39. quiet 安静的 :keep quiet保持安静

quite 相当 :quite quiet相当安静

40. receive 收到 accept 接受

I received a valuable gift but I didn't accept it because of its value.

41. realize 实现,主语为人

I am sure you will realize your dream.

come true 实现,主语为物

I hope your dream will come true.

42.raise 升起,及物动词,后面必须跟宾语

raise your hand

raise the national flag

( raise—raised—raised)

rise 不及物动词,后面不可以跟宾语 the sun rises, the price rises, the water level rises( rise—rose---risen)

43.① sad 形,悲伤的:

too sad to say a word

②sadness 名 ,悲伤:

share your joy and sadness

③sadly 副,遗憾的是:

Sadly, few people were saved.

44. safe 形,安全的 a safe place

safety 名,安全 Safety comes first.

safely 副,安全地 The plane landed safely.

save 动,挽救 save money, save his life

45. satisfied 形,满意的

I am not satisfied with the machine at all.

satisfy 动,满足 :satisfy your need

46. search 搜索(范围)

search for (目标):The police are searching the city for the murderer.

47. serve 动,服务

serve the old couple politely

service 名: I will never forget its good service./ be in service

48. smile

①名,微笑: wear a big smile on her face

②动 :smile at me kindly

③smiling 形:微笑的

Her smiling eyes make her loved by all the people.

49. succeed 动,成功

At last, he succeeded in winning the first prize.

success 名,成功

It turned out that her speech was a big success.

successful 形,成功的

I'm sure that you'll be successful.

successfully 副,成功地

At last, he won the first prize successfully.

50. take 花费(时间),主语是物How long does it take you to fly to Chengdu?spend 花费时间或金钱,主语为人

He spent 10,000 yuan on the bike.

cost 花费金钱,主语为物

The flat cost me 1,000,000 yuan.

pay 花费金钱,主语为人

They pay 100 yuan for the shoes.

51. though


I take my medicine, though I do not like it.

②thought 想的过去式:

I've thought about it for some time.

③想法 :

Her thought isn't the same as mine.

④through (从空间)通过:

the light shines through the sharp teeth


①形,宽的: The river is 300 metres wide.

②副,充分地 :open his eyes wide

③widely 副,广泛地: English is widely used all over the world.

53.hope 希望 :

hope to do;实现的可能性大;不可用hope sb. to do, 可改用hope 从句结构 :

I hope to go to college.

My father hopes that I can go to college.

wish 希望:

可用wish sb. to do;实现的可能性不大,所以从句用虚拟语气:

I wish I could get rid of the habit of smoking.


①名, 担忧 :share your worries with me

②动,担忧 :Don't worry about your exams.

③worried 形,担心的

I am so worried about his health that I can't sleep well.

55. have sb. do sth.让某人做某事,类似于make sb. do

Will you like to have him call you back ?

have sth done 请人做

Her father had the book punished.

have sth to do 有……要做

I have too much homework to do today.

have done sth 做了某事

I have finished all my homework now.
