


beat v. 打败,什意思初战胜 ((beat, beaten))

beat sb. (at sth.) 在某方面打败/ 胜过某人

He beats me at chess. 他在下棋方面胜我一筹。中英

beat sb. 打某人

beat/defeat 一组同义词,语动它们的词用宾语必须是人或一个集体,如a team, a class, an school, an army。法详


eg. We beat their team by 10 points. 我们赢了他们队十分。词用

In the end their army was defeat/beaten. 最后他们的法详部队被击(打)败。

win/gain 一组同义词。什意思初gain表示获得需要之物,中英它常跟的语动宾语有one’s living, experience, strength, time, knowledge, attention, respect, admiration 等;

win表示在较强的竞争中取得胜利,它常跟的词用宾语有game, war, prize, fame, battle等。

eg. We shall gain experience through practice.我们将通过实践获得经验。法详

They won the battle but lost many men. 他们取得了这次战斗的胜利,但牺牲了很多人。

hit 指“打中”或“对准……来打”,着重敲打或打击对方的某一点。tap一般是轰轰拍打的意思。

eg:The stone hit him on the head.石头击中了他的头部

become v. 成为,变成

become + 名词 He became a doctor at last.

become interesting in 变得对...感兴趣

其他用法:What becomes/ will become of sb./ sth.? 某人某事的情况如何

eg. What will become if I die? 假如我死了我的孩子会怎么样呢?

begin v. 开始

begin to do sth. = begin doing sth. 开始做某事

begin /start with 由...开始 eg. We will begin with you. 从你开始。

eg. The concert(音乐会) began with a piano solo(钢琴独奏).

beginning n. 开始

at the beginning of 在。。。。的开始

start v 开始 ;n. 开始

start to do sth =start doing sth 开始做某事

at the start of 在。。。。的开始

start off 动身,开始活动

to start/begin with 第一,首先

end n. 最后,末尾

at the end (of)在(……的)末端 eg At the end of the street you’ll find the hospital.

in the end =finally =at last最后,终于 eg In the end she married a singer

by the end of 到。。结束时,末尾时(用于完成时)

eg We had studied English for three years by the end of last term

end with 以…结束

behave v. 举止,表现 behave well/ badly 表现好/ 不好,举止良好/ 不好

believe v. 相信,认为

believe sb. 相信某人说的话 eg. I believe him. 我相信他的话。

believe in sb. 相信/ 信任某人 eg. I believe in him. 我相信他。

believe sb. + adj. eg. I believe him honest. 我相信他是诚实的。

believe + 从句 eg. I believe that he can do the job well.

belong v. 属于 belong to

by prep

by + 交通工具 乘······交通工具

1)take a/the 交通工具 to sp. 乘······交通工具去某地

=go to sp. by 交通工具

2)on a bike =by bike 骑自行车

on foot 步行

3)on / in + 限定词+交通工具

4)v. +to +sp. e.g. fly to sp.

borrow v. 借,借入,借进

borrow sth.( from sb.) 从某地/ 某人处借... borrow a book (from library)

lend vt. 借给

lend sth. to sb./lend sb.sth. 把某物借给某人

eg Excuse me,can I borrow a bike from you?/Can I borrow your bike?


return v 归还 ,回到

return to sp = go back to sp 回到某地

return sth to sp 把某物还到某地

in return 回报

bow v. 鞠躬

bow to 服从 bow to sb’s oppinion 屈从某人的意见

make a bow 鞠躬 take a bow 鞠躬答谢

break v. 打破,违背

break into 闯进 break away (from …) (从…)逃脱

break into/ to pieces 碎成片 break up with sb. 与某人绝交

break sth. off 突然中断、终止某事物 break down 汽车抛锚

break out 突然发生 eg. Fire broke out last night. 夜间突然失火了。

break through sth. 克服 eg. break through the difficulties 克服困难

breathe v 呼吸 注意发音

breath n 呼吸

take a deep breath=breathe deeply 深呼吸

breathe in 呼入

breathe out 呼出

be short/out of breath 上气不接下气

bring v. 拿来,取来,带来

bring sth. to sb. = bring sb. sth. 把某物带来给某人

bring sb./ sth. (with one) 带着某物或某人来

eg. He always brings a bottle of wine (with him) when he comes to dinner.

bring sth./ sb. back 送回某人/ 某物

eg. He brought me back in his car last night. 他昨天晚上开车送我回来的。

Please bring back the book to me tomorrow. 请明天把书带来还我。

bring sb. up 培养,养育

eg. He was brought up by his aunt. 他是被他阿姨养大的。

She brought up five children all together. 她总共抚养了5个儿女。

其他用法:bring sth. up 呕吐

bring about 带来,造成 bring about great changes 带来巨大变化

bring in 收获(庄稼等) bring in a good harvest 好收成

build v. 建造,建筑

build sth. build a factory 建厂房

build sth. for sb. = build sb. sth.

eg. His father built a model aeroplane for him. = His father built him a model aeroplane.

build sth. of/ from/ out of sth. 用...(材料)建造...

eg. Birds build their nests out of twigs. 鸟儿用细树枝筑巢。

build sth. up 逐渐建立、增加、增强或发展某事物

build up a big library 逐渐建立一座大的图书馆

其他用法:Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。

burn v. 燃烧,点燃

burn out 烧坏,烧完,烧尽 burn down 烧毁

burn away 烧坏,烧掉;(逐渐)消灭,消失

eg. The sunlight has burnt away the haze. 日光使雾消散了。

buy v. 购买,买

buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.

sell v 卖

sell out 卖光

sell sth. to sb. =sell sb. sth. 卖给某人某物