


beside/besidesBeside means next to,用最语词意思是频繁紧挨着的

"Please leave the pen beside the book." “请把笔放在书旁边。”

Besides means in addition to,常英意思是什意思使除此之外的

"What else do you like besides pizza?" “除了披萨,你还喜欢什么?”

all ready/alreadyAll ready means all prepared,用最语词意思是频繁一切都准备好了

"Let's go! We are all ready to leave now." “我们走吧!我们现在都准备好离开了。

Already refers to something that happened previously.指之前发生过的常英事情

"When we arrived at the station the train had already left." “当我们到达车站时,火车已经开走了。什意思使”

all together/altogether All together means in a group.指一群或一组

"The children stayed all together in the kitchen."“孩子们都呆在厨房里。用最语词”

Altogether means "completely, utterly".指完全地,频繁彻底地

"The question left him altogether perplexed."“这个问题让他完全不知所措。”

apiece/a piece Apiece is an adverb meaning ‘for each one’.动词,指每一个

“Copies are being sold at 50€ apiece.””正在以每股50€出售副本。”

The noun piece means a part of something.指某个东西的一部分

“Would you like a piece of cake?”“你想要一块蛋糕吗?”

awhile/a while

A while and awhile both refer to a period of time, but they represent different parts of speech.


Awhile is an adverb meaning ‘for a short time’. 动词,指一段短时间

( Awhile cannot follow a preposition)

“The passengers waited awhile for the doors to open."“乘客们等了一会儿才打开车门。”

A while is a noun meaning a period or interval of time.名词,指一段时间

“Dinner is not ready yet. You will have to wait for a while.”晚餐还没准备好。你得等一会儿。

everyday/every day Everyday describes ordinary normal things or occurences.指发生的事情或事件是正常的,普通的

"I don’t wear my everyday clothes on special occasions."“我在特殊场合不穿平常的衣服。”

Every day means every single day. 指每一天

"Jack takes the bus to work every day. "杰克每天乘公共汽车上班。


assure/ensure/insureAssure means to speak confidently and positively to dispel any doubts. 指确信,自信而积极的消除疑虑的

"We can assure you that all the facts have been verified."“我们可以向你保证,所有的事实都得到了证实。”

Ensure means to make sure that something will happen.指确保某事会发生

"Our excellent transport service will ensure fast delivery."“我们优良的运输服务将确保快速交货。”

Insure means to guarantee indemnity in case of damage, loss or death.指在损失或死亡的情况下保证赔偿

"The boat and its passengers are fully insured."“我们优良的运输服务将确保快速交货。”

berth/birth Berth means a bed or a bunk on a ship, a train, etc.指轮船或火车上的床铺

It also refers to a place for a boat to stay in a harbour.也指船停泊在港口的地方

"She booked a berth on the ferry."“她在渡轮上订了一个卧铺。”

Birth means the start of life; the arrival of a baby or an animal.指一个生命的开始, 婴儿或动物的出生

"The young couple proudly announced the birth of their first child."“这对年轻夫妇自豪地宣布他们的第一个 孩子出生了。”

complement/compliment A complement is something additional that enhances or makes something even better.指补语或补足物

"The music complements her voice perfectly."“音乐完美地补充了她的声音。”

To compliment someone is to express approval, praise or admiration. 也可表示赞美,赞扬

"She complimented the actor on his performance. "她称赞这位演员的表演。

coarse/course Coarse means rough or uneven,指粗糙的,粗俗的

"The coarse fabric irritated the baby's skin."“粗糙的织物使婴儿的皮肤很不舒服。”

Course means a series of classes or lessons,指一系列的课程

"Tom is doing a computer course at the moment. "汤姆现在正在上计算机课。

farther/further Farther refers to distance指距离远的

"The train station is farther away than the bus stop."“火车站比车站还远。”

Further refers to something additional,指附加的东西

"For further information please call 123456."“如需进一步资料,请致电123456。”

forward/foreword Forward means onward, ahead of you or towards the future.指向前,前进

"As soon as the door opened the car moved forward "“门一开,车就开了。”

Foreword means an introduction to a book written by someone other than the author.指前言,由作者以外的人写的书的介绍

"The foreword to his latest book was written by a famous scientist.."“他的新书的前言是由一位著名的科学家写的。”
