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Construct and build are synonyms. They have very similar meanings when referring to the act of making or assembling physical objects / structures.


Build is to make something,build是意思制造某物。Example: I am building a house.

Construct is to put it togetherconstruct是表示组合、搭配。意思Example: I am constructing a robot.For other situations which are conceptual (non-physical), it is usually best to use "build" because "construct" sometimes sounds unnatural in these cases.对于其他概念性(非物理)的表示情况,通常最好使用“build”,意思因为在这些情况下,表示“construct”听起来不自然。意思- Example -Natural: "It is important to build relationships with your clients"自然的表示:“与客户建立(build)关系是很重要的”Less natural: "It is important to construct relationships with your clients"不那么自然的:“与客户建立(construct)关系是很重要的”When in doubt, use build. 如果有疑问,使用build。意思