
better什么意思翻译 better什么意思


  We're hoping for better weather tomorrow.我们希望明天天气转好。Her work is getting better and better.她的工作干得越来越好了。He is in a much better mood than usual.他的情绪比平时好多了。

  The meal couldn't have been better.这顿饭再好吃不过了。There's nothing better than a long soak in a hot bath.没有什么比好好地泡个热水澡更舒服的了。She's far better at science than her brother.她在理科方面比她的弟弟强得多。

  If you can only exercise once a week,that's better than nothing.即便是一个星期锻炼一次,也比完全不锻炼好。She's a lot better today.她今天好多了。