

need 不同用法

一、什意思 情态动词:




1. need do sth.

Need I buy a new book ? 我须要买本新书吗?

Yes, you must. / No, you needn't'He needn't play the piano. 他不需要弹钢琴。什意思

2. 用need提问时,法归肯定回答用:must ; 否定回答用:needn't.

Need Tom do housework on weekends? Yes, he must. /No, he needn't.

3. 作为 "Must sb …?"句式的什意思否定回答用: needn't,相当于 "… not have to". Must I fold my clothes now? 我必须现在叠衣服吗?

Yes, you must. No, you, you needn't. = No, you don't have to.

Must I hand in my homework now? Yes, you must./ No, you needn't. 

二、法归 实义动词:


1. need + n. /pron. 需要…

a.)The kids need some fruit. 孩子们需要些水果。

b.) We need a great deal of money now. 我们需要和多钱

2. need doing sth. …

= need to be done … 需要被… The young trees need watering at once. 小树需要立刻浇水。=The young trees need to be watered.

3. need to do sth. I need to take good care of my younger brother. 我要好好照料我弟弟。

三、 need作为名词,含义为"缺乏,需要";其复数表示"基本需要"。


in (great) need of(急需) 与

meet the needs of(满足……的需要)。

a.) There's no need for you to try again. 你不必再尝试了。

b.) The school is in great need of teachers. 这所学校急需教师。 


1. His friend needs ______(make)an effort to finish the work.

2. Need I ______(share) this apple with Tony?

3. 你不必就此事大动肝火。You ____ ___ ___ about it.

4. The dangerous houses need ___________(pull) down at once.

5. More workers ______ (need) in our factory.

6. The factory is___ ___ ___ ___ ___ money.(工厂急需资金)

答案:1. to make 2. share 3. needn't get mad 4. to be pulled / pulling

5. are needed 6. in great need of