


大家都知道表示否定的最直接的方式就是在助动词之后加not, 如下列表格的例子:

肯定 否定

She has fallen ill

She has not fallen ill

She has a lovely voice

She doesn’t have a lovely voice

He has gone for a drive

He hasn’t gone for a drive

We have been partying

We have not been partying

We saw a movie

We didn’t see a movie

They came to say hello

They didn’t come to say hello

We have gone for a swim

We have not gone for a swim

They have gone for a walk

They have not gone for a walk

The mother has made a cake

The mother has not made a cake

The family has gone out for dinner

The family has not gone out for dinner

She has a good height

She doesn’t have a good height

He has a lovely pair of shoes

He doesn’t have a lovely pair of shoes

He has visited the school

He hasn’t visited the school



肯定: I will always remember to call you.

否定: I will never forget to call you.

肯定: He is always present in the class.


She never takes time off work.Mary has never returned my calls.Peter never walked to school when he was young.

对于sometimes的否定用not always


肯定: He sometimes smokes in party.

否定: He does not always smoke in party.

肯定: The rich are sometimes happy to meet others.

否定: The rich are not always happy to meet others.


有些词缀可以表示否定,例如: de-, dis-, il-,意思用英语表 im-,达否定in-,其说r-, mis-, non-, un-:

What he said was very impolite.

There was a misunderstanding about who should sign the contract.

Too many people are homeless in this city.

We just have endless meetings at work – they’re so boring.

What you’re doing is legal.(肯定)

What you’re doing is illegal.(否定)

Richard is buying unnecessary things.

Why are you so careless?

He was very disrespectful to the teacher.


Impatient — lacking in patience; easily irritated(没有耐心)

Inflexible — fixed in one’s beliefs and unwilling to change(不灵活)

Intolerant — refusing to tolerate those of a different race(不包容)

Indecisive — unable to make a decision(优柔寡断的)

Irresponsible — lacking in responsibility (不负责任的)

Unpredictable — acting in a way no one can predict; (难以预测的)


Nobody could help me yesterday.

None of us have been there.

用副词hardly, rarely, scarcely,little表示否定:

There are rarely ducks in this pond.

We seldom hear any noise at night.

I can hardly wait.

I scarcely had time to see a movie.

He is rarely late for school

Bob roughly has any idea about it

Hardly had we left the hotel when it started to pour with rain.

Little did we know that we would never meet again.

Only in spring do we see these lovely little flowers.food


I have nothing more to say.The boys invited no one to their party.Timothy has gone nowhere this summer.She bought nobody a present.They have no pets.She’s never been abroad.There were no newspapers left in the shop by one o’clock.Nobody came to the house for several days.None of my cousins live near us.用"Neither...Nor" 句型表示否定


I have neither the time nor have I had the desire to do my work.She has neither the time nor the money to help her friends.Alex has neither the means nor does he have the ability to find a new job.用Little, few 和名词搭配表示接近完全否定

I’m not very happy about it but I suppose I have little choice.

Few cities anywhere in Europe can match the cultural richness of Berlin.

At that time few people travelled who didn’t have to.

有些动词本身就有否定的含义相等于don’t like,如hate, dislike, abhor

其说I dislike(不喜欢)…I hate(厌恶)…I abhor(憎恶)…I detest(讨厌)…I loathe(讨厌)…

用介词except, but表示否定


He eats nothing but French fries.


She did nothing but cry. (= She did nothing except cry.)


She is not interested in anything but writing.


All the classmates except William attended the reunion


用rather than表示否定


I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffee.


Why didn’t you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own?


When I go to the movies, I usually prefer candy rather than popcorn.
