

《福尔摩斯电影》是电影一部影视作品。福尔摩斯探案 Crucifer of Blood (1991)导演: Fraser Clarke Heston,电影是电影一部悬疑推理电影。根据福尔摩斯探险案中的电影《四签名》改编而成的电视侦探长片,扮演这名英国神探的电影人竟然是美国影帝查尔顿.赫斯登,饰演华生医生的电影则是理查德.约翰逊。


外文名:Sherlock Holmes film


导演:Fraser Clarke Heston


大侦探福尔摩斯(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downer Jr. 饰)即使在置人于死地之时也异常的电影逻辑清晰,然而办案时有条不紊的电影他在私底下的生活中简直就是个“怪胎”,至少在他的电影助手华生医生(裘德·洛 Jude Law饰)眼中他是这样一个人。他们亲手绳之以法的电影“黑暗巫师”布莱克大人(马克·斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)在临死前说死亡即是开始,随后艾琳·艾德勒(瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams 饰)出现在他的电影身边要他帮忙找个失踪的人,而她身边有个影子般可怕人物。电影坊间传说黑暗巫师已经复活,电影他的电影墓地遭到破坏,而躺在棺材里的电影人另有其人。又到了大侦探福尔摩斯出马的时候了,然而调查过程从一开始就险象环生,助手华生医生在调查中更是险些丧命,福尔摩斯也陷入连串的迷团之中。 本片根据著名同名漫画改编,作者莱昂纳尔·威格拉姆(Lionel Wigram)。


小罗伯特·唐尼 裘德·洛 瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 马克·斯特朗 [2]


2010年第82届奥斯卡最佳艺术指导、最佳配乐2项提名、第67届金球奖音乐/喜剧类最佳男主角Robert Downey Jr


Orville:Are you Mister S., for Sigerson, Holmes?Sigerson Holmes:Perhaps.Orville:Do you have a brother whose first name is Sherlock?Sigerson Holmes:I do not.Orville:You do have a brother?Sigerson Holmes:I do.

Orville:Might I inquire as to his first name?Sigerson Holmes:"Sheer luck."Sigerson Holmes:The clue obviously lies in the word "cheddar." Let's see now. Seven letters. Rearranged, they come to, let me see: "Rachedd." "Dechdar." "Drechad." "Chaderd" - hello, chaderd! Unless I'm very much mistaken, chaderd is the Egyptian word meaning "to eat fat." Now we're getting somewhere!Sigerson Holmes:You call this tea?

Orville:No, I call that hot water.Jenny Hill:My name is Jenny Hill, and I'm simultaneously funny and sad.Jenny Hill:How do you do? My name is Bessie Bellwood.Sigerson Holmes:LIAR!

Jenny Hill:Oh! You don't fool around, do you? How do you know that I'm not Bessie Bellwood?Sigerson Holmes:[singing] There's no harm in taking a kiss/It's never missed...Jenny Hill:[singing next line] If I'd known that love was like this, should I have kissed?Sigerson Holmes:[singing] Love's a game if you are clever/Play your cards and go...

Jenny Hill:[singing next line] Love with me will last forever/That is all I know - chorus! - But you don't love as I love...Sigerson Holmes:All right, all right, enough![singing]Sigerson Holmes:Piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy poo/Quite a farmer's daughter, Phyllis...Jenny Hill:[hesitant singing] Piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy, pig - Well, I don't think I know that one.

Sigerson Holmes:Pity! Next time you decide to impersonate a music hall singer who's been dead for the past twelve years, I suggest you learn her full repertoire! Won't you come in, MISS LIAR?Gambetti's Opera Troupe:[rushed, panicked singing] The chicken was in peril/The princess was delicious...Jenny Hill:[fearfully wailing a song] Away, away, away, away, away, away, away...

Sigerson Holmes:What are you doing?Jenny Hill:34Whenever I'm petrified, I either cry or sing.fd4[continues]Orville:London streets and places of all interest! Abby Road! Abby Street! Abigail Gardens! Abbington Road! Adelphi Terrace! Adelphi Theatre!...Sigerson Holmes:"Eduardo Gambetti"? The name strikes a bell. Ever heard of him, Sacker?

Orville:[slaps head; low voice] "Oh, not Gambetti again!"[high voice]Orville:"'Fraid so, sir."[low]Orville:"Fat little fart, fancies himself as an opera singer."[high]Orville:"That's him, sir."[low]

Orville:"Pour us some tea, will you, Sacker?"[normal voice]Orville:Yes, sir.[low]Orville:"How does he do it, Greerson?"[high]Orville:"Pays the highest prices for spicy lettuce, sir. Everything on the market goes to Gambetti."[low]

Orville:"Oh, the swine."[high]Orville:"Swine he may be, sir, but he certainly is the cleverest of all the blackmailers."[smiles]Jenny Hill:I'm not sure... What just happened?Sigerson Holmes:Never mind. I'll explain it to you later.Sigerson Holmes:Jenny![singing]Sigerson Holmes:Have you seen the latest dance that's come along?/Jenny, go and put your Sunday hat and jacket on/There's going to be some jollicky, come with me, happy-py, fill your heart with ecstasy/Jenny/

Jenny Hill:It's the greatest thing creation's ever known/Sigerson Holmes:Take a little tip from me/Hold tight/Jenny Hill:I'm all right/Sigerson Holmes:When you do the/Jenny Hill:H/Sigerson Holmes:O/Jenny Hill:P/Orville:Come... on... and/

Sigerson Holmes, Jenny Hill, Orville:Hop/Hop/Come and do the kangaroo hop/Hop/That's the dance for me and you/If you're over 80, you can waltz a little while/But hopping about the parlor is the very latest style/Come on and hop/Hop/Hear the music goin' pop/You'll never, never want to stop/There's no other kind of dance at all/So come along, my honey, make the others look small/Come and do the kangaroo/If you know what's good for you/Come and do the kangaroo hop...

Moriarty:[Gambetti's just caught him trying to break a vase over his head] You've got a lovely vase.Eduardo Gambetti, Blackmailer:And *you* got a lovely face![first lines]Royal Herald:The Foreign Secretary, Lord Redcliff!2cLord Redcliffd7a:[rehearsing what to say under his breath] Your Majesty, being inside of your confidence is the greatest joy I've ever known. Ahem...

Queen Victoria:[handing him the document] Lord Redcliff, the fate of England is now in your hands.Lord Redcliff:Your Confidence... being inside of Your Majesty is the greatest single joy I've ever known.[realizing what he's said, he tosses the document away]Lord Redcliff:Woof!Lord Redcliff:It's alright, Your Majesty! I've got it! I've got it. All's well that ends well!

Queen Victoria:Shit.Cameo appearance:Is this rotten or wonderfully brave?[1]



第一季剧集译名如下: 福尔摩斯探案

1 波西米亚丑闻

2 跳舞的人

3 海军协定

4 孤身骑车人

5 驼背人

6 斑点带子案

7 蓝宝石案


1 铜山毛榉案

2 希腊译员

3 诺伍德的建筑师

4 住院的病人

5 红发会

6 最后一案


1 空屋

2 修道院公学

3 马斯格雷 

4 第二块血迹

5 歪唇男人

6 贵族公学

7 六座拿破仑半身像



1-2 四签名

3 魔鬼之足

4 银色马

5 威斯特里亚寓所

6 布鲁斯廷计划









1-2 讹诈专家

3-4 最后的吸血鬼

5-6 单身贵族


1 三角墙山墙

2 临终的侦探

3 金边夹鼻眼镜

4 红圈会

5 皇冠宝石案

6 硬纸盒子



主 演: 查尔顿·赫斯顿 Charlton Heston 西蒙·卡洛 Simon Callow 爱德华·福克斯 Edward Fox 约翰·卡斯特尔John Castle James Coyle Susannah Harker Kaleem Janjua 理查德·约翰森 Richard Johnson

上 映: 1991年11月04日 ( 美国 )更多地区



2.福尔摩斯 Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother, (1975) 

导 演: 吉恩·怀尔德Gene Wilder

主 演: 吉恩·怀尔德Gene Wilder Dom DeLuise 马蒂·费尔德曼 Marty Feldman 艾伯特·菲尼 Albert Finney 马德琳·卡恩 Madeline Kahn Joseph Behrmannis Kenneth Benda Michael Crane

上 映: 1976年02月18日 ( 法国 )更多地区



3.福尔摩斯私生活 Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, (1970) 

导 演: 比利·威尔德Billy Wilder

主 演: Miklós Rózsa 克里斯托弗·李Christopher Lee 约翰·威廉姆斯John Williams Philip Anthony Graham Armitage Charlie Young Atom Teddy Kiss Atom Michael Balfour

上 映: 1970年10月29日 ( 瑞典 )地 区: 英国 ( 拍摄地 )

对 白: 英语 颜 色: 彩色 时 长: 125 分钟


本片除了维持探案本身的悬疑推理趣味之外,花了不少篇幅来刻划男主角的内心世界 剧情改编自柯南道尔原著的布鲁斯柏丁顿计划,描述福尔摩斯应一女子之聘前往苏格兰寻找她失踪的丈夫,不料卷入了一宗国际间谍战之中,几乎阴沟里翻船,被德国间谍利用来破坏英国的潜艇计划

4.大侦探福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)[1]影片导演:盖·里奇







