





1. 放句子前,做目的状语

In order to make a better life, we should work hard.


1. 放在句子后,做目的状语

He studies hard to make a better life in the future.

2. 放在句子后,做原因状语

I am sorry to hear that.

3. 放在句子后,做结果状语

The task is too hard for me to do.

He made a long speech only to show his foolishness.

She is not old enough to go to school.



1. 放在句子前,做时间状语(相当于状语从句省略)

Approaching the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.

= When they approached the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.

2. 放在句子前,做原因状语(相当于状语从句省略)

Seeing the police, he run away at once.

= Because he saw the police, he run away at once.

= After he saw the police, he run away at once.(也可以做时间状语)

3. 放在句子前,做条件状语(相当于状语从句省略)

Once losing this chance, you can't easily find it.

= Once you lose this chance, you can't easily find it.

4. 放在句子前,做让步状语(相当于状语从句省略)

Knowing all this, they still made me pay for the damage.

= Although they knew all this, they still made me pay for the damage.

5. 放在句子后,做伴随状语(相当于并列句省略)

My father sits there, staring at the letter.

= My father sits there, and stares at the letter.


1. 放在句子后,做结果状语(相当于定语从句省略)

The region was hit by a terrible flood, leaving many people homeless.

= The region was hit by a terrible flood, which left many people homeless.



1. 放在句子前,做时间状语(相当于状语从句省略)

Asked why he did it, the monitor said it was his duty.

= When the monitor was asked why he did it, the monitor said it was his duty.

2. 放在句子前,做原因状语(相当于状语从句省略)

Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.

= Because he was caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.

3. 放在句子前,做条件状语(相当于状语从句省略)

Given another chance, he will do better next time.

= If he is given another chance, he will do better next time.

4. 放在句子前,做让步状语(相当于状语从句省略)

Though trapped in the ruins, the girl still wore a smile, waiting to be rescued.

= Though the girl was trapped in the ruins, the girl still wore a smile, waiting to be rescued.

5. 放在句子前,做方式状语(相当于并列句省略)

Supported by his wife, the old man went into the room.

= The old man was supported by his wife, and then the old man went into the room.

