

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?I. 重点短语:

take out the rubbish 倒垃圾

do the dishes 洗碗

sweep the floor 扫地

make the bed 铺床

fold clothes 叠衣服

go out for dinner 出去吃晚餐

go to the moives 去看电影

stay out late 熬夜很晚

get a ride 骑车

have to do 不得不

work on 从事

help out with sth.帮助某人解决

at least 至少

finish doing 完成做某事

be back from 从…回来

be angry with sb. 和...生气

solve the problem解决问题

throw down 扔下,意思语下抛弃

in front of 在…前面

come over 过来

take the dog for a walk溜狗

all the time 一直,人教总是版年

all day 整天

walk away 走开

in surprise 吃惊地

hang out with 和…闲逛

borrow from 从…借

lend to 借给…

come back 回来

some chores 一些家务

help sb. with sth. 在…帮助某人

drinks and snacks 饮料和零食

invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地

go to the store 去商店

use your CD player用你的CD播放器

have a test 考试

have a party 举行舞会

have time to do 有时间去做某事

a waste of time 浪费时间

spend… on sth. 在…花费

in order to 目的是,以便

get into 进入

there is no need to do 做某事没有必要

provide sth. for sb. 给某人提供某物

=provide sb. with sth.

mind doing 介意做某事

get good grades 取得好成绩

depend on 取决于

develop children’s independence 发展孩子的意思语下独立性

look after 照顾

take care of 照料

as a result 作为…结果

feel ill 感觉不舒服

agree with 同意…

disagree with 不同意…

be fair/ unfair to sb. 对…是不(公)平的

for example 例如

the earlier…the better 越早越好

II. 重点句型:

1.--Cold I go out for dinner with my friends?


—Sure, that should be OK. 当然可以,那应该是人教很好的。

2. --Could you please take out the rubbish? 请倒垃圾好吗。版年

--Yes, sure. 当然可以。意思语下

3. --Could you please take the dog for a walk? 请带狗出去散步好吗?

4.For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I.


5. They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.


6. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.



1. if 引导的条件状语从句。若主句从句的动作均为发生,则主句用一般将来时,从句



e.g. If you ask him, he will help you.

If you want to be a scientist, you must study hard.

Turn off the switch if you leave the room.

2. as…as…表示同级比较 “和…….一样”

否定形式: not as/ so…as..

e.g. She is as beautiful as her mother.

Lesson 5 is not as/ so difficult as Lesson 6.

= Lesson 6 is more difficult than Lesson 5.

the +比较级, the+比较级 越…越…

e.g. The more, the better.

The harder you work at your study, the better grades you will have.

比较级 and 比较级 越来越……

e.g. It gets warmer and warmer.

3. neither+助动词/ be动词/ 情态动词+主语 (倒装句) 表示上句否定的情况也适合后者。

so+助动词/ be动词/ 情态动词+主语 (倒装句) 表示上句肯定的情况也适合后者。

e.g. -- They didn’t watch TV yesterday.

–Neither did I./ Me neither.

--He is not a doctor. –Neither am I./ Me neither.

--Tom speaks Chinese very well. –So he does.

--You can swim. So can I.

4.as soon as 一…….就…… 引导时间状语从句。

e.g. I fell in love with the house as soon as I saw it.

注意:当主句是一般将来时,as soon as引导的状语从句使用一般现在时。

e.g. I will send you an e-mail as soon as I arrive in Beijing.

5. while 在…..期间; 当…..的时候



e.g. I was writing a letter while Mom was watching TV.

While I was writing a letter, he arrived.


1. –Could you please turn off the TV? --______, I _______. I want to watch the sports news.

A. no, couldn’t B. Sorry, can’t C. Sure, can D. Sorry, couldn’t

2. –Ted, could you please____ the trash? -- Of course, Mom.

A. take after B. take off C. take out D. take care of

3. 我们春季前扫除,是为了扫走不好的运气。

We do some cleaning to _______ _______ bad luck before Spring Festival.

4. Now all of us exercise at _______ least _______ hour a day in and outside school.

A. the, a B. a, an C. /, a D. /, an

5. After she finished ______ the story, Alice wrote a review for her school newspaper.

A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading

6. We will go to Tian’anman Square to watch the raising of nationality flag if it _____


A. will rain B. rains C. doesn’t rain D. won’t rain

7. Recycling is good, so don’t _____ bottles or newspapers.

A. find out B. hand in C. use up D. throw away

8. Man’s understanding of nature is developing ______. It never stays at the same level.

A. at the right time B. for the first time C. from time to time D. all the time 9. –Tom didn’t go for a picnic yesterday. --_____.

A. So did I B. So I did C. Neither did I D. Neither I did 10.—Must I sing the song in Russian? --No, you ______. It’s up to you.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. don’t D. needn’t

11. I will send you an e-mail as soon as I _____ in London.

A. arrived B. arrive C. will arrive

12. –Could you ____me your bike, Tom, --OK. And you can ____ it for a week.

A. lend, keep B. borrow; lend C. lend; borrow D. borrow, keep

13. Nancy hates_____ chores on Sundays.

A. to make B. making C. doing D. does

14. My father was drinking tea in the living room ______ my mother was doing the dishes in the kitchen.

A. if B. while C. until D. unless

15. –We should be kind to the old and take care _____ them in daily life.

A. of B. for C. with D. about

16. Ann often helps me ______ math after school.

A. for B. with C. on D. by

17. --Mom, shall we go to the beach tomorrow. –It______ the weather.

A. carries on B. lives on C. depends on D. holds on

18.It is necessary for everyone to _____ a good habit of reading.

A. enjoy B. choose C. develop D. accept

19. The more junk food you eat, _____ healthy you will be.

A. the less B. the more C. more D. less

20. I think it’s _______(fair) to judge a person before you really know him.


1. Could you please+ 动词原形…? 你能…吗, (Could 表示委婉、客气的语气)


e.g. Could you please pick up the card?

(1) 请求对方帮忙的用语:

Can/Could you help me, please?

Would/ Will you please…?

Would you mind if I …?

I wonder if you can…

Please give/ pass me…

(2) 肯定的应答语有:Certainly./ Of course./ With pleasure./ I’d be glad to./ I’d love to…; I

would if I could…

(3) 否定的应答语: Certainly not./ No, I won’t./ Sorry, I can’t./ No, I’m afraid I can’t./ I’m

sorry, but I…/ I’d like to, but I don’t…

2. (1)take out拿出,取出

(2)take…out of... 拿出,取出

3. sweep away 扫走;刮走 sweep out打扫干净 sweep up 打扫干净;收拾干净

4.throw sth. to sb.=throw sb. sth. 将某物扔给某人

throw sth. at sb. 用某物砸某人

throw away 扔掉;错过(机会)等

5.need 用法:

(1)实意动词 e.g. We need to work harder.

We don’t need to work harder.

Do you need to work harder?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

(2)情态动词 (后接动词原形;常用于疑问句,否定句和条件句,无人称和数的变化)

e.g. You needn’t do it at once. 你不必马上就做。

Must I finished doing my homework now?

Yes, you must. No, you needn’t.

6. as soon as 一…就…(引导时间状语从句)


e.g. She will telephone you as soon as she arrives in Beijing.

7.pass sb. sth.= pass sth. to sb.把某物递给某人

e.g. Please pass me the book.

,pass on…to…/ pass…on to… 把…传递/转交给…

e.g. Will you please pass on the letter on to him?

Li Lei quickly passed the stick on to him.

8.borrow, lend, keep, use的用法

(1) borrow 对于主语来说是“借入”,表示“借他人的东西自己用”时,与介词to搭配,

常用borrow sb. sth.或borrow sth. to sb.

e.g. Did you borrow money from her?

(2) lend 对于主语来说是“借出”,表示“将自己的东西给别人用”时,与介词to搭配,

常用于lend sth. to sb.=lend sb. sth.

e.g. Could you lend your English book to me?

(3) keep 作“借”讲时是延续性动词,表示“借了某物多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的


e.g. You can keep the book for 3 weeks. (4)use 含有 “借…用”的意思,=borrow

e.g. May I use your bike?, I wanted to borrow a bike from my friend but he didn’t lend it to me, because Tom has kept it for 2 days.

9. (1)give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车

(2)get a ride 搭车(主语就是搭车人)

10. make sb. do sth.让某人做某事

e.g. His story made us happy.

* 相同用法的还有:

一“感” (feel) 二“听”(listen to, hear)

三“让” (make, let, have)

四“看”(look at, watch, notice, watch)



主动语态to离去, 被动语态to回来

e.g. They made him work fourteen hours a day.

= He was made to work fourteen hours a day.


(1)spend 主语为人 spend 时间/金钱 (in) doing sth. 做某事花费时间、金钱;

spend 时间/金钱 on sth. 在某物/ 某事上花费时间、金钱

(2)take 主语为形式主语 it It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花费一些时间去做某事。

e.g. It takes me five minutes to go to school by bus.

(3) pay 主语是人 sb. pay (sb.) some money for sth.某人为某物花费金钱。

e.g. I have paid much money for the computer.

(4) cost 主语是物 Sth. cost (sb.) some money 某物花费(某人)多少钱。

e.g. The watch cost me 100 yuan.

This house costs $65,000.

12. in order to 为了…; 以…为目标;以便… (可以谓语句首,也可以位于句中,否定式

为 in order not to do…)

e.g. She went to the hall early in order to get a good seat.

In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work.

in order that…(引导目的状语从句) 为了…; 以……为目的; 以便…… (从句中常用may, might, can ,could, be able to, would, should等情态动词)

e.g. I lent him money in order that he might go for a holiday.

He works hard in order that he may succeed.

13.(1) provide v. 提供,供应,供给(后接动名词或代词宾语)

*强调为应付意外、突发事件、紧急情况等做好充分准备而“提供,供给”,多数情况是免费的。常用结构为provide sb. with sth./ provide sth. for sb.

e.g. We provide children with good education.

The school provided food for the students.

(2) offer v.提供,供给,提议。

* 强调主动、自愿给予 , 其后不接宾语从句。常用结构:offer sb. sth./ offer sth.to sb.意为“向某人提供某物”,对方可以接受,也可以不接受; offer to do sth.意为“试图/提议去做某事”

e.g. He offered to lend me some book.

I offered her a beautiful dress.

14.It is +adj.+ (for sb.) to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是……的。

e.g. It’s not easy to learn a foreign language well.

15. help sb. with sth. = help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事

16.depend on= reply on 依靠, 依赖(通常以事物或it作主语)

e.g. It depends on whether you want to do it or not.

The price depends on the quality.

17.neighbor n. 邻居(指居住在你家附近的人)

neighborhood n. 附近,邻近一带;街坊;四邻(用来指居住的周围环境或建筑,一般不用于指人,是不可数名词)

e.g. I saw some neighbors of mine at the theatre.

He moved into the neighborhood recently.

18. take good care of=look after…well 好好照顾/照看

e.g. The sick baby must be taken good care of.

= The sick baby must be looked after well.

Don’t worry about your babies. I can take care of them.

19.as a result 结果(后接表示事情结果的句子,常作为插入语放在句首,而且用逗


e.g. He got up late today. As a result, he missed the early bus.

20. drop和fall:

(1) 都可以表示物体“落下,降落,降下”,作不及物动词时,一般可以互换。

e.g. The temperature can fall/ drop below zero in the night.


e.g. The plate dropped from her hands.

(3)fall侧重由于重力作用或 失去平衡而跌倒。

e.g. He fell off his bike and hurt his leg.

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?一、重点短语

1. have free time有空闲时间

2. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

3. hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛

4. after-school classes课外活动课

5. get into a fight with sb. 与某人吵架/打架

6. until midnight直到半夜

7. talk to sb. 与某人交谈

8. too many太多

9. study too much学得过多

10. get enough sleep有足够的睡眠

11. write sb. a letter给某人写信

12. call sb. up打电话给某人

13. surprise sb. 令某人惊讶

14. look through翻看

15. be angry with sb. 生某人的气

16. a big deal重要的事

17. work out成功地发展;解决

18. get on with和睦相处;关系良好

19. fight a lot经常吵架/打架

20. hang over笼罩

21. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

22. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事

23. so that以便

24. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事

25. all the time一直

26. in future今后

27. make sb. angry使某人生气

28. worry about sth. 担心某事

29. copy one’ s homework抄袭某人的作业

30. be oneself做自己

31. family members家庭成员

32. spend time alone独自消磨时光

33. give sb. pressure给某人施压

34. have a fight with sb. 与某人吵架

35. compete with sb. 与某人竞争

36. free time activities业余活动

37. get better grades取得更好的成绩

38. give one’ s opinion提出某人的观点

39. learn exam skills学习应试技巧

40. practice sports体育训练

41. cause stress造成压力

42. cut out删除


1. You look tired. What’s the matter? 你看上去很累,怎么了,

2. Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening?今天晚上你为什么不早点儿睡呢?

3. What should he do, 他该怎么办呢,

4. He should talk to his friends so that he can say he’s sorry.


5. Maybe you could go to his house. 或许你能去他家。

6. I guess I could, but I don’t want to surprise him. 我向我不能,但是我不想惊动他。

7. You are afraid of speaking in front of people.你害怕在众人前面说话。

8. What do you think of after school activities?你认为课外活动怎么样?

9. The tired children don’t get home until after 7:00 p.m.




What’s the matter? What should I do? Maybe you should….. He should


1. Why don’t you …? / Why not … ? 何不….呢,(后接动词原形)

e.g. Why don’t you have a picnic with us?=Why not have a picnic with us?

2. How about….?/ What about…? …呢,(后接名词、代词、动名词)

e.g. How/ How about this blue scarf?

3. You’d better (not) do… 你最好(不要)作某事

e.g. You’d better take off your coat.

You’d better not smoke here.

4. Let’s…, shall we? 让我们…, 好吗,(Let’s后面接动词原形)

e.g. Let’s make the children to the park, shall we?

5. Shall we/ I …? 我(们)…….好吗,(后接动词原形)

e.g. Shall we go boating?

6. Would you like…? 你(们) 想要……吗, (后接名词或动词不定式)

e.g. Would you like a cup of coffee?

Would you like to go shopping with us?

7. Would you please …? 请你……好吗,

e.g. Would you please turn down the radio?



Good idea. / That’s a good idea. 好主意。/那是个好主意。

OK./ All right. 好的。

Yes, please./ I’d love to. 好的。/我愿意。

No problem. 没问题。

I agree with you. 我同意你的观点。

Sure./ Of course./ Certainly. 当然。

Yes, I think so/ I will. 是的,我想是这样的。/我会的。


I don’t think so./ Sorry, I can’t./ Sorry, but…


I’d love/ like to, but…/ I’m afraid…

我很愿意, 但是…/恐怕…


1. Why don’t you ________(go) shopping this Sunday.

2. How about ________(drink) a cup of coffee. 3. You’d better _________(turn) down the radio.

4. Would you line ________(have) dinner with us?

5. Let’s ________(take) the old man to the hospital.

6. Would you please ________(open) the window?

7. Shall we _______(watch) the movie tonight?

8. Why not ________(raise) money for the poor children?

9. Would you mind _________(close) the window?

10.What about _________(play) soccer after school?


1. –Would you like to go for a walk with me?

--______. But I have to clean the living room first.

A. Yes, I would B. No, I wouldn’t

C. Sorry D. Yes, I’d love to.

2. –What a fine day~ Let’s go fishing. --____. When shall we go?

A. Very well B. Good idea.

C. Well done. D. My pleasure.

3. Let’s _____ a noise, someone is sleeping.

A. not make B. no making

C. not to make

4.—I have a toothache. What should I do? --_______.

A. Lucky you! B. You’d better work hard?

C. Why not see a dentist?

5.It’s getting dark. You’d better _______ out by yourself. It’s dangerous.

A. not go B. not to go C. to go


1.(1)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人作某事

e.g. My teacher don’t allow us t cut in line.

(2)allow doing sth.允许做某事

e.g. The cinema doesn’t allow smoking.

(3)be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事

e.g. We are allowed to make poster by ourselves.

2. (1)be good at+名词/代词/ doing [近] do well in; be strong at

e.g. Some of us are good at swimming.

= Some of us do well in swimming.

=Some of us are strong at swimming.

(2) be good for 对…..有益/好处

[反] be bad for 对…..有害

(3) be good to 对…..好/ 和善/慈爱

3. 半系动词:

(1)表示“变化” :become, get, go, grow, turn, fall等

(2)表示“感官”:smell, taste, sound, look 主语只能是物

feel 主语可以是人, 也可以是物

(3)表示“猜测”:look, seem, appear 看上去,似乎

(4)表示“保持”: keep, stay .

4. (1)find sb. doing sth.发现某人正在作某事

e.g. Mr. Wang found Li Dong reading a story-book in the class.

(2) find sb. do sth. 看见过某人做过某事

e.g. I found a baby crying on the floor just now.

5. although/ though 引导让步状语从句,不能和but 连用,但是可以和yet/still一起使用。

e.g. Although he is very poor, he is ready to help others.

6.(1) get on/ along with sb.和某人相处

e.g. He gets on well with his boss.

(2) get on with sth. 表示“某事进展/进行”的意思

e.g. How are you getting on with your studied? 7. argue 争论,争吵(根据一定的理由想要说服他人)

(1) argue with sb. about sth. 为某事与某人争吵 (quarrel with sb.与某人争吵 )

e.g. They’re always arguing with each other about money.

(2) argue sb. into doing sth. 尽力劝说某人做某事

e.g. We argued him into travelling with us.

*argument n. 争论

have an argument with sb. 与某人辩论

*discuss vt.讨论 discuss the matter

=have a discussion about/ on/of the matter

8. elder和older:

(1) older adj.可用于人或物。 用于人时,指实际年龄大小中的“大”; 用于物时,意为

“较旧的”, 既可以作定语、表语,也可以与than连用

e.g. Some of the older workers were retired early.

She is older than me but my other sisters are younger.

Lucy is 2 years older than her sister.

(2) elder 只用于人,多指兄弟姐妹之间年龄长幼中的“长”,只作定语,不作表语,也


e.g. Children should respect their elders.

* Tom and the boy are twins. His elder brother is only tow hours older than him.

9.instead 和instead of

(1) instead 代替,反而: 可置于句末,其前不用逗号,也可置于句首,其后可用逗


e.g. If you can’t go, let him go instead.

(2)instead of 代替,而不是: 介词短语,后接宾语,名词、代词、动名词,,位于句中。

e.g. Please give me the red box instead of the yellow one.

10.whatever=no matter what 引用让步状语从句

e.g. Whatever happens, I won’t change my mind.

= No matter what happens, I won’t change my mind.


(1) leave vt. 遗留,离开 (经常和地点状语连用)

e.g. The boy left his hat on the train.

(2) forget vt. 忘记 (不强调地点状语)

e.g. I forgot her name.

She forgot to close the window.

12. (1)be afraid of doing sth. 害怕/担心某事(往往是自己无法左史的事情)发生

e.g. I was afraid of hurting his feelings.

(2) be afraid to do sht.害怕做某事

(3)be afraid of sb./sth.害怕某人/某事

【同】 be terrified of sb./sth/

(4) be afraid that….主语恐怕/想/认为…(常用于表示歉意戒客气,that可以省略)

13. stay healthy = keep healthy/ fit 保持健康

keep/ be in good health= have good health 身体健康

be bad/ poor health 身体不好/差/不佳

14.be a member of+团体 是….的一位成员,常用于现在完成时,

join + 团体 ,常用于一般过去时,

e.g. He joined the Party ten years ago.

= He has been a member of the Party for 10 years.

15. compete with/against sb.和某人竞争

compete with/ against sb. for sth.未得到某物不某人竞争

* competition n.竞争

16.in one’s opinion 根据某人的意见

have a good/bad opinion of sb./sth.对某人/ 某物评价好/坏

17.another, the other, the others, others

(1) another 同类事物(三个或三个以上)中的“另一个”,表示不确定数目中的“另一个”

e.g. I don’t like this book; please give me another one.

(2)one… the other一个… 另一个 ,the other…(特指两个中的“另一个”)

e.g. I have two pens. One is red, the other is blue.

(3) the others 强调在一定范围内的“其他全部”

e.g. There are fifty students in our class. Twenty of them are from the countryside, and

others are from the city.

(4) others 泛指“别人”, 还可以指“其他的人/物”,指不确定的另一部分(并非全部)

e.g。 He is my friend, who is always ready to help others.

(5) others= other+名词复数

18. the+ 姓氏复数 指“…夫妇二人/…一家人” 在句中作主语时谓语动词用复数。

e.g. The Smiths enjoys living in China.

19. not…until…直到…才…,常不非延续性动词违用,如go, come, finish, stop, open,close,leave等。

(1) until用于肯定句,意为“直到…为止”,谓语动词一般是延续性的, 如live, work,stay, wait, leave等。

e.g. You’d better stay in bed until next Monday.

(2) 当主句表示将来的动作时,until引寻的时间状语仍句通常用一般现在时

e.g. I’ll wait for you there until you arrive.

20. (1)continue doing sth.

= go on doing sth.继续做某事,原来的事情,

e.g. He continued writing after dinner.

(2)continue to do sth. 继续做某事,停止另一件事。

e.g. After reading Chinese, let’s continue to read English.

(3)continue with sth. 继续作某事

e.g. We’ll continue with our work.

21. (1) send sb. to…送某人去…

e.g. He sent his son to a good school.

(2)send sb.+宾语补语 使某人出于某种状态

e.g. The bad news sent him sad.

(3)send for+sb. 派人去请…

e.g. We’d better send for a doctor.

(4)send away 派遣,送出,解雇,把…送往…处

e.g. He sent away his servant(仆人).

(5)send up发射(火箭,卫星,飞船等)

e.g. China sent up her first man-made satellite into space in 1970.

(6)send off 寄出,给…送行

e.g. Have you sent off Kate’s birthday present?

22.be always doing sth.总是做某事(并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示说话人的“赞叹、不满、厌烦”等情绪,带有强烈的感情色彩)。

e.g. She is always asking for leave.

She is always thinking of how she can do more for people.

*always 不not违用,表示部分否定,意思是“不总是,总不是”

e.g. The rich are not always happy.

23. (1)compare…with… 把…与…相比较。

e.g. If you compare Marx’s works with Hegel’s, you’ll find many differences.


e.g. A teacher’s work is often compared to a candle.

24. cause sb. to do sth.导致某人做某事

e.g. Careless caused him to fail the exam.


(1)advice 不可数名词 :一般指带有指教性的“意见”或“劝告”,如教师对学生的“指教”和医生对患考的 “嘱咐”等。

e.g. On his doctor’s advice, he went on his travels.

(2) suggestion 可数名词: 指对某件事哇某个问题,尤其是为改进工作或解决困难等而提出的“意见”或“建议”,这种“意见”吐“建议”并非一定正确过有价值。与advice相比, 它的语气较为委婉。

e.g. Father’s suggestions are great valuable for me.