

Unit6 Topic1

重点语法 There be 句型和方位介词短语。什意思仁识点

重点句型 :

There are two bedrooms and a a small study.

There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.

—Is there a computer in your study?

—Yes, there is.

Don't put them here. Put them away.


1. It’s on the second floor.

在哪一层楼,爱版用介词on。丨年on表示在……上面。下精讲second是册英序数词,前面要用定冠词the, 意为第二(的什意思仁识点)。

巧辩异同 two与second


2 . in 在……里面,什意思仁识点是爱版方位介词。

in the box /in the classroom

Is there…? 表示某地存在……吗?其肯定回答是丨年:Yes, there is. 否定回答No, there isn’t.它的复数形式为Are there…? 其肯定回答是:Yes, there are. 否定回答No, there aren’t.

3. 巧辩异同 there be与 have

(1) there be“有”,指(某地)存在“有”。下精讲

(2) have“有”,册英指人或某物“拥有”。The is a dog in the picture. The dog has two big eyes.

注:there be 遵循就近原则。be 用is还是are,取决于离该动词最近的那个名词。如果该名词是单数或不可数名词就用is,如果是复数就用are。

4. have a look看看。后面接名词时要用at. 如have a look at your watch.

5. talk about“谈论,议论”,后接名词或动名词。

talk with/to “与某人交谈”

6. 用来询问某地有某物,其结构为:What’s+介词短语,回答时应用there be句型。

7. play with“和……玩耍”,“玩” play with sb. “与某人一起玩”

8. put away 把……放好

9. look after“保管,照顾”,相当于take care of.

look at看…… look like看起来像…… look for寻找 look the same看起来一样

10. 巧辩异同in the tree与on the tree

(1) in the tree 指外来物体在树上。

(2) on the tree树木本身长出来的花、树叶等。

11. 巧辩异同like doing与like to do

like doing 表示经经常性或习惯性的兴趣、爱好。与love doing相似。

like to do 表示偶尔的、一次性的喜欢。与love to do相似。

12. I’m very glad to get a letter from you.我很高兴收到你的来信。

get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信

=hear from sb.


重点语法:There be 句型 与Wh-questions


What’s your home like?

What’s the matter?

Sorry, I can’t hear you.

I’ll get someone to check it right now

There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.


1. house with three bedrooms.有三间卧室的房子。 with “有,带有”。


2. apartment for a family of two.适合两口之家的公寓。

(1) for表示“给……”表示目的或功能。后接物主代词或名词,但通常带’s.或者后接表示无生命物体的名词。Here is a letter for you.

(2)of的含义为“属于某人/某事物”。She is a friend of Lily’s. = Shes is Lily’s friend.

3 . What’s the matter?怎么了?该句常用来询问某或某物出了什么什么问题或毛病;询问具体某人或某物出了什么问题时,还可以表达为:What’s the matter with sb./sth.某人或某物出了什么毛病。 What’s the matter? = What’s wrong?

4 . I hear you playing the piano.我听见你在弹钢琴。

hear…doing sth.“听见……在做某事”,强调正在进行的动作。

hear…do sth.“听见……做了某事”,强调全过程。

hear about sth.听到关于某事物的消息

hear from sb.接到某人的来信、电话等

hear of sb./sth.听到或知道某人或某事物的情况

5. a lot of = lots of许多 后接可数名词,相当于many;后接不可数名词,相当于much,用于肯定句中;但是注意:如果是否定句,刚常用many或much.

6. be far from… 离……远(抽象距离) be…away from…离……远(具体距离)

My school is not far from the bookstore. The sea is 2 miles away from the hotel.

7. There is something wrong with sb./sth.某人或某物出问题/有毛病了。

8. I’ll get someone to check it right now.我马上派人去检查

get sb. to do sth.使某人做某事


right now= at once= right away马上,立刻

语法讲解 :There be…(表示“有”)用法

1.“There + be+主语+地点状语”表示“某处有某物”;地点状语也可放在句首,有时可用“,”与后面的部分隔开。

There are some pictures on the wall.

=On the wall, there are some pictures.

2.它的疑问形式是将“be”提到“there”之前。 Are thery any books on the desk?

3. 它的否定形式是在“be”后加“not”.

4. There be如果后面接两个名词作主语,那么“be”的人称和数与邻近的名词一致。



—Excuse me, how can I get to …

—Go along… and turn left at the first street.

Be careful!

Don't play on the street.


1.go up “沿着……走”=go along/down

2. get to 到达,后接地点名词 get to =reach=arrive in/at

与get有关的短语: get in 收获 get on上车 get off下车

get out出去 get out of从……出来 get up起床

3 .across from 在……对面

4. It’s good to help children and old people to cross the road.帮助孩子和老人过马路是一种助人为乐的行为。

It’s good to do sth.做某事是助人为乐的行为。

5 .on the corner of = at the corner of “在…拐角处”,表示在某一地方或建筑物外面的拐角处。in the corner of 表示在某一建筑物内的拐角处。

6 .有关come的短语

come to 来到

come form来自于……

come on 加油,赶快

come in 进来

come out 出来

come down下来

come back回来