

1. habit n.习性;习惯

be in/fall into/get into the habit of doing sth.有(养成)做某事的意思习惯

He is not in the habit of drinking a lot.


I've got into the habit of turning on the TV assoon as I get home.


2. habitat n. (动植物的意思)自然环境;栖息地

The creature's habitat is the jungle.


3. hair n.毛发;茸毛

hair band发带

hair clip发卡

haircut n. 理发;发型

That's a nice haircut.那个发式很漂亮。单词

You should have a haircut.你该理发了。意思

4. half adj./ n.(pl. halves)一半;半场

l divided the apples into halves.


half past one一点半

5. hall n.门厅;大厅;厅堂

in the hall在大厅

6. Halloween n. 万圣节前夕(10月31日)


a slice of hamn一片火腿

a ham sandwich火腿三明治

8. hamburger n. 汉堡包

9. hamster n. 仓鼠

10. hand n.手;前腿v.递给

hand in交上来

The teacher asked the students to hand in their papers.老师叫学生将试卷交上来。意思

hand out分发;发放

They are having out emergency things.


handbag n.手包

11. handsome adj.英俊的意思; 漂亮的

12. handwriting n.手写;书法

13. hang vt.使悬挂;吊起(hung, hung) vi.上吊;绞死;处以绞刑(hanged, hanged)

hang out (俚语) 闲逛;闲荡

14. happen v. 发生;出现

sth. happen to sb.某人发生某事

If anything happens to him, let me know.


happen to do碰巧;恰巧;恰好

She happened to be out when he called.


词义辨析: happen/take place


The accident happened at about 9:30.事故发生在9点30分左右。单词

take place表示必然性的意思“发生”或者是计划安排好"举行”。

Great changes have taken place in my hometown recently. 最近我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。

15. happy adj. 愉快的;满足的;快乐的;幸福的16. hard adj.坚硬的;结实的;困难的;艰难的adv.努力地;费劲地

17. hard-working adj. 勤勉的;努力工作的

18. hardly adv. 几乎不

词义辨析: hard/hardly

这两个词都是副词,但意思和用法截然不同。hard是"努力、、困难”的意思,而hardly 是“几乎不”的意思,是否定词。

We should work hard to pass the eaxm.


They could hardly believe the news, couldthey?他们几乎不敢相信这个消息,不是吗?

19. hat n.帽子;职务

20. hate v./n.仇恨; 憎恨

21. have ( has, had, had) V. 有;拥有

had better (do)最好(做)

You had better get up early. 你最好早点起床。You'd better not smoke here.你最好不要在这吸烟。

have a cold患感冒

have a good time玩得很痛快。

We had a good time in the park yesterday.


have classes.上课

have on穿着

He has a black coat on today.今天他穿着一件黑色的上衣。

have a try尝试,努力

Have a try again and then you can get it.再试一次你就能得到它。

have no idea不知道

I have no idea about the accident happened at the street corner.我对发生在街道拐角处的事故一无所知。

have to不得不,必须

have got to不得不;必须

近义词辨析: have/there be


there be指“某处存有”,例如:

There is a map on the wall.墙上有一幅地图。


I have a brother and asister.


22. Hawaii n. (美国州名) 夏威夷

23. he pron.他

24. head n.头部;首领

My head aches我头痛。

Use your head.动动脑筋。

25. headache n.头痛

have a headache头痛

26. headmaster n. (中小学的) 校长

27. headphone n. 耳机

a pair of headphones一副耳机

28. head teacher n.班主任

29. health n. 健康;健康状况

be in good health= be healthy身体健康

He is healthy. =He is in good health.


Exercise is good for the health.锻炼身体有益于身体健康。

healthy (-ier,-iest) adj. 健康的

a healthy child健康的孩子

30. hear (heard, heard) v.听见;听取

hear about/ of听说

I'e ever heard of someone doing that.


hear from收到.. ..来信

I often hear my old friends.


近义词辨析: listen to/hear/sound


They are listening to the radio. 他们正在听收音机。


I listened carefully but heard nothing.



The news sounds great.这消息听起来很棒。

31. heart n. 心;心脏

32. heat n.高温;热情V. (使某物)变热或变暖

33. heavenn.天堂;极乐世界

34. heavy adj. (-ier, -iest)重的;密度大的

How heavy is it?这个有多重?

There will be a heavy rain.将会有场大雨。

35. height n.高度; 身高

What's the height of the mountain?这山有多高?

He's two meters in height.他身高两米。

36. hello (hi) interj.喂

37. help v.帮助;扶持

help oneself to请随便吃点

Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼吧。

help sb. with sth./do sth.帮助某人做某事

My sister helps me with my English/ studyEnglish/to study English.我姐姐帮我学英语。

helpful adj.有 用的;有益的

a helpful person有用的人

38. her pron. 她

39. here adv.在这里; 到这里

here and there在各地;各处

40. hero n. (pl.-es) 英雄;勇士

41. herself pron. 她自已

42. hide (hid, hidden) .....蕆起来

The sun was hidden by the clouds.太阳被云遮住了。

43. high adj.高的;高级的

44. hill n.小山;土堆

The house is on the side of a hill.那所房子坐落在山坡上。

45. him pron.他

46. himself pron.他自 已

47. his pron.他的

48. historical adj. 历史,上的;历史题材的historical research历史研究

49. history n. 历史学;历史

50. hit (hit, hit) v.击;投掷n. 成功而轰动一时的事物(如歌曲等)

She hit me on his head with a book.她用书打我的头。

I was hit by a falling stone.我被落下的石头击中了。

Her new flm is quite a hit. 她的新影片十分成功。


52. hold (held, held) v.握住;抓紧;拿着;容纳

hold on等一下; 停住;坚持

Hold on a minute while l get my breath back.停一停,让我喘口气。

They tried to hold on until help arrived.


Hold on to your dream.坚持你的梦想。

53. hole n.洞; 穴

54. holiday n.假日; 节日

on holiday在休假

He is on holiday this week.他本周休息。

55. home n.家 adv.回家, 到家,在家

He left home at sixteen. 他十六岁是离开了家。

Is there anybody at home?有人在家吗?

Make yourself at home!不要拘束!

56. homeless adj. 无家的;无家可归的

He gave all his money to the homeless.他把所有的钱都给了无家可归的人。

57. homeland n. 祖国;故乡

58. home-made adj. 自制的;家里做的

Home-made jam is usually better than the kinds you buy in the shops.


59. homesick adj. 想家的;思念家乡的

He was homesick for France. 他思念祖国法国。

60. hometown n. 家乡;故乡

61. homework n. 家庭作业;准备工作

My little brother is doing his homework.我弟弟在做作业。

62. honest adj.正当的;诚实的

an honest businessman可靠的商人

to be honest说实话

To be honest, l don't think we have a chance of winning.


反义词: dishonest

63. honey n. 蜂蜜

64. honour ( US honor) v.崇敬;尊敬n.名誉

It is agreat honour to be invited.


65. hoop n. (木头,金属等做的)箍,圈,环

66. hope n./v.希望; 期望

She hopes to have a job overseas.

67. horse n.马; 马科动物

68. hospital n. 医院

go to hospital去医院

I'm going to hospital to visit my friend.我要去医院看望我的朋友。

in the hospital在医院

He works in the hospital. 他在医院工作。

in hospital生病住院

I've never been in hospital.我从未住过医院。

69.host n.主人;主持人;主办人员 V.主办;主持

Mr. and Mrs. Hill are such good host. 希尔先生和夫人招待客人真周到。

The host on tonight's show is Liyong. 今晚表演节目的主持人是李咏。

Which country is hosting the Games this year?今年的运动会由哪国主办?

Bejjing will host the 2008 olympics.北京将主办2008年奥运会。

70. hot adj. (-tter, -ttest)热的;烫的

71. hot dog n. 热狗面包

72.hotel n.旅馆;旅店

staying at/in a hotel住旅馆

73. hour n.小时

an hour一小时

The film starts at 7:30 and lasts two hours.

影片7: 30分开演,演两个小时。

74. house n.住房; 住宅

I'm going to my aunt's house.星期日我要去我姨家。

75. housework n.家务活

76. how adv.怎样; 如何;多么

77. however conj.无论如何;无论多么adv.然而

You won't move that stone, however strong you are.


She fell ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.她病了,然而她照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。

78. huge adj.极大的;巨大的

a huge elephant巨大的象

Canada is a huge country.加拿大是个幅员广大的国家。

79. human n. = human being人;人类

80. humid adj. 潮湿的;湿润的

81. hundred num.- 百

hundreds of成百上千的;许多

82. hunger n. 饿;饥饿

He died of hunger.他饿死了。

83. hungry adj. 饥锇的;挨锇的

Let's eat soon,I'm hungry.咱们早点吃吧,我饿了。

84. hurry n./v. 匆忙;赶快

in a hurry匆忙地

She dressed in a hurry.她迅速穿好衣服。

He was in a hurry to leave.他急于离开。

hurry up快点

l wish the train would hurry up and come.


85. hurt (hurt,hurt) v.伤害,损害,疼n.疼痛

Are you badly hurt?你伤得厉害吗?

He hurt his back when he fell.


I thurts when I move my leg.


86. husband n.丈夫