

Section A【重点单词】1.humorous有出默感的什意思英;滑稽有趣的


humor(幽默) + -ous(形容词后缀)→有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的

Our history teacher is a very humorous person. Everyone likes him very much.


2. silent 不说话的教版级英及词;沉默的

[助记]读音记忆法:si(saI)+ lent( lant)→不说话的;沉默的

Xiao Li kept silent and said nothing.



[助记]词根记忆法:help(帮助) (.......形容词后缀)→有帮助的;有用的

Learning words according to phonetic symbols is very helpful for us to learn English.根据音标学习单词对我们学习英语很有帮助。

4. score得分;进球

[助记]读音记忆法:s(s)+ core(ko:)→得分;进球

You scored again .你又得分了。点单

5. background背景

The Chinese nation has a profound cultural background.中华民族有着深厚的词记文化底蕴。

6.interview 采访;面试;访谈

The reporter is interviewing our PE teacher.记者正在采访我们的形变体育老师。

The Olympic champion is being interviewed by reporters.那位奥运冠军正在接受记者的什意思英采访。

[助记]词根记忆法:inter-(在....之间) + view(看)→两者面对面→采访;面试

7. Asian亚洲(人)的语人语单元重忆法;亚洲人

[助记]词根记忆法: Asia(亚洲) +-an(人,名词后缀)→亚洲人

We are all Asian with yellow skin and black eyes.我们都是教版级英及词黄皮肤黑眼睛的亚洲人。

8. dare敢于;胆敢


①I dare not go out alone at night.


②Do you dare to go to Tibet alone?


③No one dares to touch the tiger's tail.


9. ton吨;大量;许多


There are tons of people in the square.


10. private私人的;私密的

[助记]词根记忆法:priv(私人的)+ ....的,形容词后缀)一个人的→私人的;私密的

You add me private wechat, let's have a private chat!你加我私人微信,咱们私聊吧!

11. guard 警卫;看守;守卫;保卫

[助记]读音记忆法:guar( ga:) +d(d)→警卫;守卫

There's a guard at the door. We can't go in.门口有一个警卫。我们不能进去。

12. require 需要;要求

[助记]词根记忆法:re-(再) +quire(寻求)-再寻求→需要;要求

He required a cup of tea.他要一杯茶。

13. European欧洲(人)的;欧洲人

[助记]词根记忆法:Europe(欧洲) + -an(人的)→欧洲(人)的

Some blue eyed, yellow haired, white skinned Europeans came to our school.


14. African非洲(人)的;非洲人

[助记]词根记忆法:Africa(非洲) + -an(人的)→非洲(人)的;非洲人

There are many African immigrants in the United States. 美国有许多非洲移民。

15. British英国(人)的

[助记]词根记忆法;Britain(英国) +-ish(形容词后缀)→英国(人)的

There are many British people in Hong Kong. 在香港有许多英国人。

16. speech讲话;发言

Our headmaster's wonderful speech won the warm applause of everyone.


17. public民众;公开的;公众的

[助记]拆分记忆法:pub(酒吧) +lic( 许可证)- +民众;公开的

Li Lei dare not speak in public.



1. help→helpful( adj. )有益的、有帮助的

2. British→Britain(n. )英国、不列颠

3. shy→shyness(n. )羞怯

4. Asia→Asian( adj.)亚洲人的、亚洲的

5. speak→speech(n. )讲话;发言

6. humor →humorous( adj. )幽默的

7. Africa→African(n. /adj.非洲人的、非洲的)

8. silent→silence(n. )→silently(adv.默默地 )

9. private→privacy(n. 隐私、秘密)

【重点短语】1.from time to time市场;有时=at times= Sometimes

I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes I go to school by bike

2. take up开始从事(某事)

Since he was 20 years old, he has taken up breeding. 他从20岁起就开始从事养殖业了。

3. deal with应对;处理

①How do you get into this complicated problem?你是如何处理这个复杂的问题的?

②How do you deal with this problem?


=What do you do with this problem?


4. all the time总是;一直

We like to find faults in others all the time. 我们总是喜欢挑别人的毛病。

5. tons of许多;大量

Tons of fruit has gone bad in the supermarket. 超市里好多水果都坏了。

6. be carefull ....小心

Be careful when crossing the road.


7. hang out 闲逛

I like to hang out in the park with my friends on weekends. 我喜欢在周末和我的朋友们在公园里闲逛。

8. give up放弃

We must insist and never give up.


9.give in 屈服;投降;让步

We can't give in before the enemy .


10.give back归还; 送回

If we borrow other people's things, we should give them back on time. 如果我们借别人的东西,我们应该按时归还。

11.give out分发

Our English teacher give out the papers to the students. 我们的英语老师把考卷发给学生。

12.give a report作报告

He gave us a novel coronavirus pneumonia report.他给我们做了一个新型冠状病毒肺炎的报告。

13.give away捐赠

Han Hong gave away lot of money to the children in the disaster area. 韩红给灾区的孩子们捐了很多钱。

9. in public公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前【重点句型】1.l used to be afraid of the dark.我过去害怕黑夜。

I used to wear jeans.


Mary used to be a very cheerful girl.


2. It's been three years since we last saw our primaryschool classmates.


It has been five years since we left Beijing. 我们离开北京已经五年了。

3. It's interesting to see how people have changed.看到人们发生的变化太有趣了。

The Dragon Boat Race in the south is so interesting.

4. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of herclass,and then for the whole school.


5. You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.


6. Only a very smal number of people make it to the top.只有很少一部分人能达到成功的顶峰。Section B【重点单词】1.ant蚂蚁

[助记]联想记忆法:an(-) +t(它)→你所钟情的它原来是只蚂蚁。

It's going to rain. There are many ants moving on the ground.要下雨了。有许多蚂蚁在地上移动。

2. seldom不常;很少

[助记]读音记忆法:sel(sel) +dom( dam)→不常;很少

Mary is an introvert, she seldom talks to others.玛丽是个内向的人,她很少和别人说话。

3. influence影响

The novel coronavirus pneumonia has great influence on the health of people in the whole world.新型冠状病毒肺炎对全世界的人的健康有着重大影响。

[助记]联想记忆法:in(进入) + fu(流动) +-ence(名词后缀)- +流人→影响

4. absent缺席;不在

[助记]联想记忆法:ab(离开) +sent( 出现)→没有出现→缺席;不在

Why were you absent from the meeting yesterday?你昨天为什么没来开会?

5. fail不及格;失败;未能(做到)

[助记]串联记忆法:名字叫snail(蜗牛),要去发mail( 邮件),正翻过rail(栏杆),没想到fail(失败),折断了tail(尾巴),捉进了jail(监狱)。

Xiao Ming failed the exam again.


6. examination考试;审查

[助记]词根记忆法:exam(检查) +ine(动词) + -ation(名词后缀)→考试;审查

Students in our class are preparing for the math examination tomorrow.我们班的学生正在为明天的数学考试做准备。

7. exactly确切地;精确地

[助记]词根记忆法:ex-(出)+act(行动) + -ly(副词后缀)→确切地;精确地。

She said exactly the right direction.她说的方向完全正确。

8. pride 自豪;骄傲

[助记]读音记忆法:p(p) + ri(raI)+de(d)→自豪;骄傲

Xiao Ming's success is the pride of his parents.小明的成功是他父母的骄傲。


[助记]读音记忆法:prou(prau) +d(d)→自豪的

He won the first place with a proud smile on his face.他赢得了第一名,脸上带着骄傲的微笑。

10. general总的;普遍的;常规的;将军

[助记]读音记忆法:ge(d3e) +ne(n) + ral(ral)→普遍的;将军

Mary's father used to be a general.


11. introduction介绍

[助词]词根记忆法:intro-(向内)+duce(引) + -tion(名词后缀)→n.介绍

①Xiao Ming wrote a detailed self introduction to the teacher. 小明给老师写了一份详细的自我介绍。

②Can you introduce yourself simply?



1. absent→absence(n. )

2. introduce→introduction(n. )

3. pride→proud(adj. )

4. exact→exactly( adv. )

5. general→generally( adv. )

【重点短语】1. be nervous .......感到紧张

It's normal to get nervous about speaking in public. 在公众面前讲话感到紧张是很正常的。

I was a little nervous before the exam.


2. be absent from缺席

Xiao Ming is never absent from the meeting.小明从来没有缺席过会议。

Why were you absent from the meeting yesterday? 你昨天为什么没来开会?

3. make a decision做决定

He made a decision to travel to Australia. 他决定去澳大利亚旅行。

4. in person亲身;亲自

I need you to do it in person.


5. even though即使

Even though it rains, we will go to school. 即使下雨,我们也要去上学。

6. be proud of/take pride in...为....感到骄傲;感到自豪

We are proud of our motherland.



1. He became less interested in studying,


2. She advised them to talk with their son in person.她建议他们亲自跟他们的儿子谈一谈。

3. I'm much happier now ,and I work even harder than I used to.


4. I's very important for parents to be there for their children.
