



Money might not grow on trees, but it seems that furniture does! Gavin Munro, a UK-based designer, has come up with a brilliant alternative to chopping trees and converting them into furniture.


He simply molds young saplings to take the shape of any piece of furniture he wants. Once matured, the trees are ready to be harvested and used with no cutting, sawing, or assembling required.


He first came up with the idea of growing furniture when he was working as a gardener in California. One day, as he was working on some wood, he thought, “Why do we need to bring all of these things together—chop the trees down, make them small, stick them back together again? We can just start from growing the tree from the beginning.”


Munro is now tending to a small “furniture forest” of 400 trees in a field north of Derby, England. He uses specially designed plastic frames to mold young willow, oak and sycamore trees into the shapes of chairs, tables, frames or lamps.



Russian young girl Anastasia showcased her stunning talent when she performed skydiving tricks in the air. She did an array of graceful and acrobatic moves while plummeting to earth from up to four kilometers above the ground.


The 19-year-old, once a gymnast and dancer, has now blended all her different skills together to become an excellent skydiver. She has racked up nearly 500 jumps to date despite having only two years of training.


Anastasia took second place in the 2015 Moscow Open. Later she went to the freestyle skydiving World Cup in Holland where she took fourth place.




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